Lisbeth Munksgaard


Tlf: 26 57 94 49

Rolfing- og videreuddannelser
2015: Autoriseret Advanced Rolfer fra European Rolfing Association (ERA), Italien
2012: Workshop i Scotland med Mary Bond, Advanced Rolfer og Rolf Movement Practitioner: ”Breathing and Walking”
2004 – 2008: 5-årigt uddannelsesforløb med Hubert Godard, Advanced Rolfer: “Overview of the 10 Series with Emphasis on Embodiment, Rehabilitation and Clinical Advanced Work.”
2003: Workshop i Berlin med Anne Koller-Wilmking, M.D. Advanced Rolfer: “Rolfing Children and Adolescents”
2000: Workshop i USA med Jeff Maitland, Ph.D. Advanced Rolfer; Michal Salveson, Advanced Rolfer; Jan Sultan, Advanced Rolfer: “Introduction to Advanced Rolfing Techniques for
Manipulating the Limbs, Trunk and Cranial”
1999: Workshop i München med Jan Sultan, Advanced Rolfer: “Importance of the Viscera in Addressing the Core and Sleeve Correllation”
1997: Autoriseret Rolfer fra The Rolf Institute of Structural Integration, Boulder, USA
Andre uddannelser
Engelsk/Fransk Korrespondent, H.D. i Udenrigshandel, Spansk Niveau 1-5, Kursus i Sportsmassage, Landmark Forum kurser i selvudvikling
juli 22, 2015